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Bunte Mischung by Mr. Aurawida

You need the full version of FWsim to download these effects. In FWsim, cick "Tools" -> "Online Effects Database" in the menu. Make sure you are using the most recent version.

Uploaded: January 28, 2017

Effects (28)

3 Schlag bombe

6 fach Salut

600er spezial mehrschlagbombe

blinkerbombe weiß

blue chrysanthemum to green Crackling Crosette


brokad crown with blue corsett pistl

bronzeweide 3"

cake K



Double Dragon Eggs 6"

Feuertopf Blitzknall

goldfontäne groß 30 sec.

Löwenzahnbombe mit crackling

Mehrschlagsalut 6"

multicolour falling leaves mit 5 reports

pfeif zu bum

red kamuro to red corsette


ringbombe spezial


Silberglitterkomet mit Feuertopf Blau

spezial bombe 1

spezial krossettenbombe bunt 200mm


wasserfall groß

Wasserfall rot+crakling